Green Building - South Village

Green Building

Green Building

South Village is pioneering an innovative approach to green building design and small scale, renewable energy production.

In the summer of 2011, a 528-panel photovoltaic solar array was installed on the Farm at South Village. The one-acre installation is now generating 150kW of carbon-free electricity for the City of South Burlington for use in local infrastructure. In addition, all of the builders in the community leverage green building principles and practices in their South Village home designs.

Solar Array

The Farm at South Village solar array is one of Vermont’s first group net-metered solar projects. In addition to producing clean, renewable energy, the installation is also demonstrating the economic and social value of independent, community-based energy production and the functionality of new smart grid monitoring and optimization systems.

At the present time, the electricity being generated at South Village is powering the City of South Burlington’s essential infrastructure including stoplights and sewer pump systems.

Green Building

The South Village Community includes homes that are certified or rated as U.S. EPA ENERGY STAR, National Green Building Standard, and/or LEED-certified. The developers in the community leverage these and other sustainable and energy-efficient technologies. Each developer applies their own approach to green building design and the builders have received recognition for their work from various local and national sources.

For more information about the individual homes available and their level of green building design, please visit the Real Estate section of our site.

To learn more about the builders and the unique approaches, please visit the builders’ section of this site.

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